Wednesday 15 April, 2009

OpenSource alternate to Dreamweaver

Of lately, i was thinking of switching to open source alternative for DreamWeaver, and i found out Aptana. Aptana is an eclipse based IDE that provides a lot of benefits which but obviously includes being the powers of opensource and freeware. Aptana comes in two flavors - a stand alone IDE and an Eclipse Plugin. You can install either of the two depending on your needs. Personally i dont like Ecipse, so i decided to go for stand alone IDE. You might want to check out the download page for Aptana

After installing Aptana, you need to install CFEclipse plugin for providing ColdFusion support in Aptana.

Installing CFEclipse in Aptana

  1. Download the latest version from the archived software update site:
  2. Unzip the archive file. You should get a folder called "org.cfeclipse.cfml.update.release".
  3. In Aptana, go through the usual procedure to add an update site (Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install -> Search for new features to install).
  4. Click on New Local Site...
  5. Choose the folder that you extracted from the zip file (e.g. the location of "org.cfeclipse.cfml.update.release").
  6. Click Select.
  7. Change the name to something more reasonable such as CFEclipse Local Install.
  8. Click OK and then click Finish.
  9. Follow the installation procedure and prompts... (I am sure you can handle it from now on).

Pretty Simple. That's it. And now we have an open source alternative for DreamWeaver that is much better than the original one.


  1. and i want to hire u..come to bharati vihar N504..salary on DAILY BASIS :)
